林戈是一位来自扬州的青年电影创作者。“没有一种艺术形式能像电影那样接近现实的复杂,像电影那样展示灵魂的密度。” 他着迷于在日常中寻找故事,展示人与人之间微妙的联结。通过视听语言的探索,他凝视社会语境中的个体,以电影观照现实。在电影消亡的年代实践电影的他自认“相见恨晚,但不算太迟……电影仍然是了解彼此以及我们自己最好的方式。”
Ringo Yu is a young filmmaker from Yangzhou, China. "Any form of art can't reach that complexity of life and can't gracefully approach the density of humanity other than film." He is always interested in digging stories from normal life and finding delicate connections between human beings. With his camera, he gazes at individuals beneath the social context, reflecting reality via exploring the audio-visual language. As a young man born in the era of the demise of film arts, he says "It's at dusk but isn't too late... Film remains the best way for us to better understand each other and ourselves.